Health and Nutrition

Kansans increasingly seek information about their food and nutrition needs, about how to prepare easy and nutritious meals, and about physical activity. Helping Kansans eat healthier and increase physical activity can improve their quality of life now and in the future and reduce health care costs. Learning to eat healthfully can also stretch food budgets. In order to prevent foodborne illnesses, K-State University scientists and educators present information on safe food handling practices for the benefit of Kansans.

Health and Nutrition page on the K-State Research and Extension site.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)

Welcome to the Marshall County Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)! Our goal is to empower SNAP eligible audiences to make healthy lifestyle choices based on information from research supported curriculum.

SNAP-Ed is a grant funded program implemented by K-State Research and Extension with the sponsorship of the Department for Children and Families (DCF) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Partnering with local community agencies and organizations gives strength to the resources available for the welfare of limited resource Kansans.

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Walk Kansas

Everyone is in need of more physical activity in their life. Some of us need motivation in order to accomplish that. This fitness challenge does just that. It encourages people to exercise and work toward a goal. The Spring Walk Kansas Program begins in March and ends in May. For more information about this program contact the Extension Office.

Kansas Senior Farmers Market

If you are over the age of 60, make less than $1800/month, you may be eligible for $30 in checks to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets or roadside stands that accept checks from the Kansas Senior Farmer's market program. The number of checks are limited, enrollment begins May

Here is an application that you can fill out and bring in or stop by the Extension Office for an application.

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